
An IntervalTier is a tier containing an array of intervals -- data that spans a period of time

  2An IntervalTier is a tier containing an array of intervals -- data that spans a period of time
  4from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Sequence
  6from typing_extensions import Literal
  9from praatio.utilities.constants import (
 10    Interval,
 12    CropCollision,
 15from praatio.utilities import errors
 16from praatio.utilities import utils
 17from praatio.utilities import my_math
 18from praatio.utilities import constants
 20from praatio.data_classes import textgrid_tier
 23def _homogenizeEntries(entries):
 24    """
 25    Enforces consistency in intervals
 27    - converts all entries to intervals
 28    - removes whitespace in labels
 29    - sorts values by time
 30    """
 31    processedEntries = [
 32        Interval(float(start), float(end), label.strip())
 33        for start, end, label in entries
 34    ]
 35    processedEntries.sort()
 36    return processedEntries
 39def _calculateMinAndMaxTime(entries: Sequence[Interval], minT=None, maxT=None):
 40    minTimeList = [interval.start for interval in entries]
 41    maxTimeList = [interval.end for interval in entries]
 43    if minT is not None:
 44        minTimeList.append(float(minT))
 45    if maxT is not None:
 46        maxTimeList.append(float(maxT))
 48    try:
 49        resolvedMinT = min(minTimeList)
 50        resolvedMaxT = max(maxTimeList)
 51    except ValueError:
 52        raise errors.TimelessTextgridTierException()
 54    return (resolvedMinT, resolvedMaxT)
 57class IntervalTier(textgrid_tier.TextgridTier):
 58    tierType = INTERVAL_TIER
 59    entryType = Interval
 61    def __init__(
 62        self,
 63        name: str,
 64        entries: List[Interval],
 65        minT: Optional[float] = None,
 66        maxT: Optional[float] = None,
 67    ):
 68        """An interval tier is for annotating events that have duration
 70        The entries is of the form:
 71        [(startTime1, endTime1, label1), (startTime2, endTime2, label2), ]
 73        The data stored in the labels can be anything but will
 74        be interpreted as text by praatio (the label could be descriptive
 75        text e.g. ('erase this region') or numerical data e.g. (average pitch
 76        values like '132'))
 77        """
 78        entries = _homogenizeEntries(entries)
 79        calculatedMinT, calculatedMaxT = _calculateMinAndMaxTime(entries, minT, maxT)
 81        super(IntervalTier, self).__init__(
 82            name, entries, calculatedMinT, calculatedMaxT
 83        )
 84        self._validate()
 86    def _validate(self):
 87        """An interval tier is invalid if the entries are out of order or overlap with each other"""
 88        for entry in self.entries:
 89            if entry.start >= entry.end:
 90                raise errors.TextgridStateError(
 91                    f"The start time of an interval ({entry.start}) "
 92                    f"cannot occur after its end time ({entry.end})"
 93                )
 95        for entry, nextEntry in zip(self.entries[0::], self.entries[1::]):
 96            if entry.end > nextEntry.start:
 97                raise errors.TextgridStateError(
 98                    "Two intervals in the same tier overlap in time:\n"
 99                    f"({entry.start}, {entry.end}, {entry.label}) and "
100                    f"({nextEntry.start}, {nextEntry.end}, {nextEntry.label})"
101                )
103    @property
104    def timestamps(self) -> List[float]:
105        """All unique timestamps used in this tier"""
106        tmpTimestamps = [
107            time
108            for start, stop, _ in self.entries
109            for time in [
110                start,
111                stop,
112            ]
113        ]
115        uniqueTimestamps = list(set(tmpTimestamps))
116        uniqueTimestamps.sort()
118        return uniqueTimestamps
120    def crop(
121        self,
122        cropStart: float,
123        cropEnd: float,
124        mode: Literal["strict", "lax", "truncated"],
125        rebaseToZero: bool,
126    ) -> "IntervalTier":
127        """Creates a new tier with all entries that fit inside the new interval
129        Args:
130            cropStart:
131            cropEnd:
132            mode: determines cropping behavior
133                - 'strict', only intervals wholly contained by the crop
134                    interval will be kept
135                - 'lax', partially contained intervals will be kept
136                - 'truncated', partially contained intervals will be
137                    truncated to fit within the crop region.
138            rebaseToZero: if True, the cropped textgrid values
139                will be subtracted by the cropStart
141        Returns:
142            the modified version of the current tier
143        """
145        utils.validateOption("mode", mode, CropCollision)
147        if cropStart >= cropEnd:
148            raise errors.ArgumentError(
149                f"Crop error: start time ({cropStart}) must occur before end time ({cropEnd})"
150            )
152        newEntryList = utils.getIntervalsInInterval(
153            cropStart, cropEnd, self.entries, mode
154        )
156        if rebaseToZero is True:
157            newSmallestValue = newEntryList[0][0]
158            if newSmallestValue < cropStart:
159                timeDiff = newSmallestValue
160            else:
161                timeDiff = cropStart
162            newEntryList = [
163                Interval(start - timeDiff, end - timeDiff, label)
164                for start, end, label in newEntryList
165            ]
166            minT = 0.0
167            maxT = cropEnd - cropStart
168        else:
169            minT = cropStart
170            maxT = cropEnd
172        croppedTier = IntervalTier(, newEntryList, minT, maxT)
174        return croppedTier
176    def dejitter(
177        self,
178        referenceTier: textgrid_tier.TextgridTier,
179        maxDifference: float = 0.001,
180    ) -> textgrid_tier.TextgridTier:
181        """
182        Set timestamps in this tier to be the same as values in the reference tier
184        Timestamps will only be moved if they are less than maxDifference away from the
185        reference time.
187        This can be used to correct minor alignment errors between tiers, as made when
188        annotating files manually, etc.
190        Args:
191            referenceTier: the IntervalTier or PointTier to use as a reference
192            maxDifference: the maximum amount to allow timestamps to be moved by
194        Returns:
195            the modified version of the current tier
196        """
197        referenceTimestamps = referenceTier.timestamps
199        newEntries = []
200        for start, stop, label in self.entries:
201            startCompare = min(referenceTimestamps, key=lambda x: abs(x - start))
202            stopCompare = min(referenceTimestamps, key=lambda x: abs(x - stop))
204            if my_math.lessThanOrEqual(abs(start - startCompare), maxDifference):
205                start = startCompare
206            if my_math.lessThanOrEqual(abs(stop - stopCompare), maxDifference):
207                stop = stopCompare
208            newEntries.append((start, stop, label))
210        return
212    def deleteEntry(self, entry: Interval) -> None:
213        """Removes an entry from the entries"""
214        self._entries.pop(self._entries.index(entry))
216    def difference(self, tier: "IntervalTier") -> "IntervalTier":
217        """Takes the set difference of this tier and the given one
219        Any overlapping portions of entries with entries in this textgrid
220        will be removed from the returned tier.
222        Args:
223            tier: the tier to subtract from this one
225        Returns:
226            the modified version of the current tier
227        """
228        retTier =
230        for entry in tier.entries:
231            retTier = retTier.eraseRegion(
232                entry.start,
233                entry.end,
234                collisionMode=constants.EraseCollision.TRUNCATE,
235                doShrink=False,
236            )
238        return retTier
240    def editTimestamps(
241        self,
242        offset: float,
243        reportingMode: Literal["silence", "warning", "error"] = "warning",
244    ) -> "IntervalTier":
245        """Modifies all timestamps by a constant amount
247        Args:
248            offset: the amount to shift all intervals
249            reportingMode: Determines the behavior if an entries moves outside
250                of minTimestamp or maxTimestamp after being edited
252        Returns:
253            the modified version of the current tier
254        """
255        utils.validateOption(
256            "reportingMode", reportingMode, constants.ErrorReportingMode
257        )
258        errorReporter = utils.getErrorReporter(reportingMode)
260        newEntryList = []
261        for interval in self.entries:
262            newStart = offset + interval.start
263            newEnd = offset + interval.end
265            utils.checkIsUndershoot(newStart, self.minTimestamp, errorReporter)
266            utils.checkIsOvershoot(newEnd, self.maxTimestamp, errorReporter)
268            if newEnd <= 0:
269                continue
270            if newStart < 0:
271                newStart = 0
273            newEntryList.append(Interval(newStart, newEnd, interval.label))
275        # Determine new min and max timestamps
276        newMin = min([interval.start for interval in newEntryList])
277        newMax = max([interval.end for interval in newEntryList])
279        if newMin > self.minTimestamp:
280            newMin = self.minTimestamp
282        if newMax < self.maxTimestamp:
283            newMax = self.maxTimestamp
285        return IntervalTier(, newEntryList, newMin, newMax)
287    def eraseRegion(
288        self,
289        start: float,
290        end: float,
291        collisionMode: Literal["truncate", "categorical", "error"] = "error",
292        doShrink: bool = True,
293    ) -> "IntervalTier":
294        """Makes a region in a tier blank (removes all contained entries)
296        Args:
297            start:
298            end:
299            collisionMode: Determines the behavior when the region to erase
300                overlaps with existing intervals.
301                - 'truncate' partially contained entries will have the portion
302                    removed that overlaps with the target entry
303                - 'categorical' all entries that overlap, even partially, with
304                    the target entry will be completely removed
305                - None or any other value throws IntervalCollision
306            doShrink: If True, moves leftward by (/end/ - /start/)
307                amount, each item that occurs after /end/
309        Returns:
310            The modified version of the current tier
312        Raises:
313            CollisionError
314        """
315        utils.validateOption("collisionMode", collisionMode, constants.EraseCollision)
317        matchList = self.crop(start, end, CropCollision.LAX, False).entries
318        newTier =
320        if len(matchList) == 0:
321            pass
322        else:
323            if collisionMode == constants.EraseCollision.ERROR:
324                raise errors.CollisionError(
325                    f"Erase region ({start}, {end})overlapped with an interval. "
326                    "If this was expected, consider setting the collisionMode"
327                )
329            # Remove all the matches from the entries
330            # Go in reverse order because we're destructively altering
331            # the order of the list (messes up index order)
332            for interval in matchList[::-1]:
333                newTier.deleteEntry(interval)
335            # If we're only truncating, reinsert entries on the left and
336            # right edges
337            # if categorical, it doesn't make it into the list at all
338            if collisionMode == constants.EraseCollision.TRUNCATE:
339                # Check left edge
340                if matchList[0].start < start:
341                    newEntry = Interval(matchList[0].start, start, matchList[0].label)
342                    newTier.insertEntry(newEntry)
344                # Check right edge
345                if matchList[-1].end > end:
346                    newEntry = Interval(end, matchList[-1].end, matchList[-1].label)
347                    newTier.insertEntry(newEntry)
349        if doShrink is True:
350            diff = end - start
351            newEntryList = []
352            for interval in newTier.entries:
353                if interval.end <= start:
354                    newEntryList.append(interval)
355                elif interval.start >= end:
356                    newEntryList.append(
357                        Interval(
358                            interval.start - diff, interval.end - diff, interval.label
359                        )
360                    )
362            # Special case: an interval that spanned the deleted
363            # section
364            for i in range(0, len(newEntryList) - 1):
365                rightEdge = newEntryList[i].end == start
366                leftEdge = newEntryList[i + 1].start == start
367                sameLabel = newEntryList[i].label == newEntryList[i + 1].label
368                if rightEdge and leftEdge and sameLabel:
369                    newInterval = Interval(
370                        newEntryList[i].start,
371                        newEntryList[i + 1].end,
372                        newEntryList[i].label,
373                    )
375                    newEntryList.pop(i + 1)
376                    newEntryList.pop(i)
377                    newEntryList.insert(i, newInterval)
379                    # Only one interval can span the deleted section,
380                    # so if we've found it, move on
381                    break
383            newMax = newTier.maxTimestamp - diff
384            newTier =, maxTimestamp=newMax)
386        return newTier
388    def getValuesInIntervals(self, dataTupleList: List) -> List[Tuple[Interval, List]]:
389        """Returns data from dataTupleList contained in labeled intervals
391        Each labeled interval will get its own list of data values.
393        dataTupleList should be of the form:
394        [(time1, value1a, value1b,...), (time2, value2a, value2b...), ...]
395        """
397        returnList = []
399        for interval in self.entries:
400            intervalDataList = utils.getValuesInInterval(
401                dataTupleList, interval.start, interval.end
402            )
403            returnList.append((interval, intervalDataList))
405        return returnList
407    def getNonEntries(self) -> List[Interval]:
408        """Returns the regions of the textgrid without labels
410        This can include unlabeled segments and regions marked as silent.
411        """
412        entries = self.entries
413        invertedEntryList = [
414            Interval(entries[i].end, entries[i + 1].start, "")
415            for i in range(len(entries) - 1)
416        ]
418        # Remove entries that have no duration (ie lie between two entries
419        # that share a border)
420        invertedEntryList = [
421            interval for interval in invertedEntryList if interval.start < interval.end
422        ]
424        if entries[0].start > 0:
425            invertedEntryList.insert(0, Interval(0, entries[0].start, ""))
427        if entries[-1].end < self.maxTimestamp:
428            invertedEntryList.append(Interval(entries[-1].end, self.maxTimestamp, ""))
430        invertedEntryList = [
431            interval if isinstance(interval, Interval) else Interval(*interval)
432            for interval in invertedEntryList
433        ]
435        return invertedEntryList
437    def insertEntry(
438        self,
439        entry: Interval,
440        collisionMode: Literal["replace", "merge", "error"] = "error",
441        collisionReportingMode: Literal["silence", "warning"] = "warning",
442    ) -> None:
443        """Inserts an interval into the tier
445        Args:
446            entry: the Interval to insert
447            collisionMode: determines the behavior in the event that intervals
448                exist in the insertion area.
449                - 'replace' will remove existing items
450                - 'merge' will fuse the inserting item with existing items
451                - None or any other value will throw a CollisionError
452            collisionReportingMode: Determines the behavior if the new entry
453                overlaps with an existing one
455        Returns:
456            the modified version of the current tier
457        """
458        utils.validateOption(
459            "collisionMode", collisionMode, constants.IntervalCollision
460        )
461        utils.validateOption(
462            "collisionReportingMode",
463            collisionReportingMode,
464            constants.ErrorReportingMode,
465        )
466        collisionReporter = utils.getErrorReporter(collisionReportingMode)
468        if not isinstance(entry, Interval):
469            interval = Interval(*entry)
470        else:
471            interval = entry
473        matchList = self.crop(
474            interval.start, interval.end, CropCollision.LAX, False
475        )._entries
477        if len(matchList) == 0:
478            self._entries.append(interval)
480        elif collisionMode == constants.IntervalCollision.REPLACE:
481            for matchEntry in matchList:
482                self.deleteEntry(matchEntry)
483            self._entries.append(interval)
485        elif collisionMode == constants.IntervalCollision.MERGE:
486            for matchEntry in matchList:
487                self.deleteEntry(matchEntry)
488            matchList.append(interval)
489            matchList.sort()  # By starting time
491            newInterval = Interval(
492                min([tmpInterval.start for tmpInterval in matchList]),
493                max([tmpInterval.end for tmpInterval in matchList]),
494                "-".join([tmpInterval.label for tmpInterval in matchList]),
495            )
496            self._entries.append(newInterval)
498        else:
499            raise errors.CollisionError(
500                "Attempted to insert interval "
501                f"({interval.start}, {interval.end}, '{interval.label}') into tier {} "
502                "of textgrid but overlapping entries "
503                f"{[tuple(interval) for interval in matchList]} "
504                "already exist"
505            )
507        self.sort()
509        if self._entries[0][0] < self.minTimestamp:
510            self.minTimestamp = self._entries[0][0]
512        if self._entries[-1][1] > self.maxTimestamp:
513            self.maxTimestamp = self._entries[-1][1]
515        if len(matchList) != 0:
516            collisionReporter(
517                errors.CollisionError,
518                f"Collision warning for ({interval}) with items "
519                f"({matchList}) of tier '{}'",
520            )
522    def insertSpace(
523        self,
524        start: float,
525        duration: float,
526        collisionMode: Literal["stretch", "split", "no_change", "error"],
527    ) -> "IntervalTier":
528        """Inserts a blank region into the tier
530        Args:
531            start:
532            duration:
533            collisionMode: Determines the behavior that occurs if
534                an interval stradles the starting point
535                - 'stretch' stretches the interval by /duration/ amount
536                - 'split' splits the interval into two--everything to the
537                    right of 'start' will be advanced by 'duration' seconds
538                - 'no change' leaves the interval as is with no change
539                - 'error' will stop execution and raise an error
541        Returns:
542            the modified version of the current tier
543        """
544        utils.validateOption(
545            "collisionMode", collisionMode, constants.WhitespaceCollision
546        )
548        newEntryList = []
549        for interval in self.entries:
550            # Entry exists before the insertion point
551            if interval.end <= start:
552                newEntryList.append(interval)
553            # Entry exists after the insertion point
554            elif interval.start >= start:
555                newEntryList.append(
556                    Interval(
557                        interval.start + duration,
558                        interval.end + duration,
559                        interval.label,
560                    )
561                )
562            # Entry straddles the insertion point
563            elif interval.start <= start and interval.end > start:
564                if collisionMode == constants.WhitespaceCollision.STRETCH:
565                    newEntryList.append(
566                        Interval(
567                            interval.start, interval.end + duration, interval.label
568                        )
569                    )
570                elif collisionMode == constants.WhitespaceCollision.SPLIT:
571                    # Left side of the split
572                    newEntryList.append(Interval(interval.start, start, interval.label))
573                    # Right side of the split
574                    newEntryList.append(
575                        (
576                            start + duration,
577                            start + duration + (interval.end - start),
578                            interval.label,
579                        )
580                    )
581                elif collisionMode == constants.WhitespaceCollision.NO_CHANGE:
582                    newEntryList.append(interval)
583                else:
584                    raise errors.ArgumentError(
585                        f"Collision occured during insertSpace() for interval '{interval}' "
586                        f"and given white space insertion interval ({start}, {start + duration})"
587                    )
589        newTier =
590            entries=newEntryList, maxTimestamp=self.maxTimestamp + duration
591        )
593        return newTier
595    def intersection(self, tier: "IntervalTier", demarcator="-") -> "IntervalTier":
596        """Takes the set intersection of this tier and the given one
598        - The output will contain one interval for each overlapping pair
599          e.g. [(1, 2, 'foo')] and [(1, 1.3, 'bang'), (1.7, 2, 'wizz')]
600                -> [(1, 1.3, 'foo-bang'), (1.7, 2, 'foo-wizz')]
601        - Only intervals that exist in both tiers will remain in the returned tier.
602          e.g. [(1, 2, 'foo'), (3, 4, 'bar')] and [(1, 2, 'bang'), (2, 3, 'wizz')]
603                -> [(1, 2, 'foo-bang')]
604        - If intervals partially overlap, only the overlapping portion will be returned.
605          e.g. [(1, 2, 'foo')] and [(0.5, 1.5, 'bang')]
606                -> [(1, 1.5, 'foo-bang')]
608        Compare with IntervalTier.mergeLabels
610        Args:
611            tier: the tier to intersect with
612            demarcator: the character to separate the labels of the overlapping intervals
614        Returns:
615            IntervalTier: the modified version of the current tier
616        """
617        retEntryList = []
618        for interval in tier.entries:
619            subTier = self.crop(
620                interval.start, interval.end, CropCollision.TRUNCATED, False
621            )
623            # Combine the labels in the two tiers
624            subEntryList = [
625                (
626                    subInterval.start,
627                    subInterval.end,
628                    f"{subInterval.label}{demarcator}{interval.label}",
629                )
630                for subInterval in subTier.entries
631            ]
633            retEntryList.extend(subEntryList)
635        newName = f"{}-{}"
637        retTier =, retEntryList)
639        return retTier
641    def mergeLabels(
642        self, tier: "IntervalTier", demarcator: str = ","
643    ) -> "IntervalTier":
644        """Merges labels of overlapping tiers into this tier
646        - All intervals in this tier will appear in the output; for the given tier, only intervals
647          that overlap with content in this tier will appear in the output
648          e.g. [(1, 2, 'foo'), (3, 4, 'bar')] and [(1, 2, 'bang'), (2, 3, 'wizz')]
649                -> [(1, 2, 'foo(bang)'), (3, 4, 'bar()')]
650        - If multiple entries exist in a subinterval, their labels will be concatenated
651          e.g. [(1, 2, 'hi')] and [(1, 1.5, 'h'), (1.5, 2, 'ai')] -> [(1, 2, 'hi(h,ai)')]
653        compare with IntervalTier.intersection
655        Args:
656            tier: the tier to intersect with
657            demarcator: the string to separate items that fall in the same subinterval
659        Returns:
660            IntervalTier: the modified version of the current tier
661        """
662        retEntryList = []
663        for interval in self.entries:
664            subTier = tier.crop(
665                interval.start, interval.end, CropCollision.TRUNCATED, False
666            )
667            if len(subTier._entries) == 0:
668                continue
670            subLabel = demarcator.join([entry.label for entry in subTier.entries])
671            label = f"{interval.label}({subLabel})"
673            start = min(interval.start, subTier._entries[0].start)
674            end = max(interval.end, subTier._entries[-1].end)
676            intersectedInterval = (
677                start,
678                end,
679                label,
680            )
682            retEntryList.append(intersectedInterval)
684        newName = f"{}-{}"
686        retTier =, retEntryList)
688        return retTier
690    def morph(
691        self,
692        targetTier: "IntervalTier",
693        filterFunc: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]] = None,
694    ) -> "IntervalTier":
695        """Morphs the duration of segments in this tier to those in another
697        This preserves the labels and the duration of silence in
698        this tier while changing the duration of labeled segments.
700        Args:
701            targetTier:
702            filterFunc: if specified, filters entries. The
703                functor takes one argument, an Interval. It returns true
704                if the Interval should be modified and false if not.
706        Returns:
707            The modified version of the current tier
708        """
709        cumulativeAdjustAmount = 0
710        newEntryList = []
711        allIntervals = [self.entries, targetTier.entries]
712        for sourceInterval, targetInterval in utils.safeZip(allIntervals, True):
713            # sourceInterval.start - lastFromEnd -> was this interval and the
714            # last one adjacent?
715            newStart = sourceInterval.start + cumulativeAdjustAmount
717            currIntervalDuration = sourceInterval.end - sourceInterval.start
718            if filterFunc is None or filterFunc(sourceInterval.label):
719                newIntervalDuration = targetInterval.end - targetInterval.start
720                cumulativeAdjustAmount += newIntervalDuration - currIntervalDuration
721                newEnd = newStart + newIntervalDuration
722            else:
723                newEnd = newStart + currIntervalDuration
725            newEntryList.append(Interval(newStart, newEnd, sourceInterval.label))
727        newMin = self.minTimestamp
728        cumulativeDifference = newEntryList[-1].end - self.entries[-1].end
729        newMax = self.maxTimestamp + cumulativeDifference
731        return IntervalTier(, newEntryList, newMin, newMax)
733    def validate(
734        self, reportingMode: Literal["silence", "warning", "error"] = "warning"
735    ) -> bool:
736        """Validate this tier
738        Args:
739            reportingMode (str): Determines the behavior if validation fails.
741        Returns:
742            True if the tier is valid; False if not
743        """
744        utils.validateOption(
745            "reportingMode", reportingMode, constants.ErrorReportingMode
746        )
747        errorReporter = utils.getErrorReporter(reportingMode)
749        isValid = True
750        previousInterval = None
751        for interval in self.entries:
752            if interval.start >= interval.end:
753                isValid = False
754                errorReporter(
755                    errors.TextgridStateError,
756                    f"Invalid interval. End time occurs before or on the start time({interval}).",
757                )
759            if previousInterval and previousInterval.end > interval.start:
760                isValid = False
761                errorReporter(
762                    errors.TextgridStateError,
763                    f"Intervals are not sorted in time: "
764                    f"[({previousInterval}), ({interval})]",
765                )
767            if utils.checkIsUndershoot(
768                interval.start, self.minTimestamp, errorReporter
769            ):
770                isValid = False
772            if utils.checkIsOvershoot(interval.end, self.maxTimestamp, errorReporter):
773                isValid = False
775            previousInterval = interval
777        return isValid
class IntervalTier(praatio.data_classes.textgrid_tier.TextgridTier):
 58class IntervalTier(textgrid_tier.TextgridTier):
 59    tierType = INTERVAL_TIER
 60    entryType = Interval
 62    def __init__(
 63        self,
 64        name: str,
 65        entries: List[Interval],
 66        minT: Optional[float] = None,
 67        maxT: Optional[float] = None,
 68    ):
 69        """An interval tier is for annotating events that have duration
 71        The entries is of the form:
 72        [(startTime1, endTime1, label1), (startTime2, endTime2, label2), ]
 74        The data stored in the labels can be anything but will
 75        be interpreted as text by praatio (the label could be descriptive
 76        text e.g. ('erase this region') or numerical data e.g. (average pitch
 77        values like '132'))
 78        """
 79        entries = _homogenizeEntries(entries)
 80        calculatedMinT, calculatedMaxT = _calculateMinAndMaxTime(entries, minT, maxT)
 82        super(IntervalTier, self).__init__(
 83            name, entries, calculatedMinT, calculatedMaxT
 84        )
 85        self._validate()
 87    def _validate(self):
 88        """An interval tier is invalid if the entries are out of order or overlap with each other"""
 89        for entry in self.entries:
 90            if entry.start >= entry.end:
 91                raise errors.TextgridStateError(
 92                    f"The start time of an interval ({entry.start}) "
 93                    f"cannot occur after its end time ({entry.end})"
 94                )
 96        for entry, nextEntry in zip(self.entries[0::], self.entries[1::]):
 97            if entry.end > nextEntry.start:
 98                raise errors.TextgridStateError(
 99                    "Two intervals in the same tier overlap in time:\n"
100                    f"({entry.start}, {entry.end}, {entry.label}) and "
101                    f"({nextEntry.start}, {nextEntry.end}, {nextEntry.label})"
102                )
104    @property
105    def timestamps(self) -> List[float]:
106        """All unique timestamps used in this tier"""
107        tmpTimestamps = [
108            time
109            for start, stop, _ in self.entries
110            for time in [
111                start,
112                stop,
113            ]
114        ]
116        uniqueTimestamps = list(set(tmpTimestamps))
117        uniqueTimestamps.sort()
119        return uniqueTimestamps
121    def crop(
122        self,
123        cropStart: float,
124        cropEnd: float,
125        mode: Literal["strict", "lax", "truncated"],
126        rebaseToZero: bool,
127    ) -> "IntervalTier":
128        """Creates a new tier with all entries that fit inside the new interval
130        Args:
131            cropStart:
132            cropEnd:
133            mode: determines cropping behavior
134                - 'strict', only intervals wholly contained by the crop
135                    interval will be kept
136                - 'lax', partially contained intervals will be kept
137                - 'truncated', partially contained intervals will be
138                    truncated to fit within the crop region.
139            rebaseToZero: if True, the cropped textgrid values
140                will be subtracted by the cropStart
142        Returns:
143            the modified version of the current tier
144        """
146        utils.validateOption("mode", mode, CropCollision)
148        if cropStart >= cropEnd:
149            raise errors.ArgumentError(
150                f"Crop error: start time ({cropStart}) must occur before end time ({cropEnd})"
151            )
153        newEntryList = utils.getIntervalsInInterval(
154            cropStart, cropEnd, self.entries, mode
155        )
157        if rebaseToZero is True:
158            newSmallestValue = newEntryList[0][0]
159            if newSmallestValue < cropStart:
160                timeDiff = newSmallestValue
161            else:
162                timeDiff = cropStart
163            newEntryList = [
164                Interval(start - timeDiff, end - timeDiff, label)
165                for start, end, label in newEntryList
166            ]
167            minT = 0.0
168            maxT = cropEnd - cropStart
169        else:
170            minT = cropStart
171            maxT = cropEnd
173        croppedTier = IntervalTier(, newEntryList, minT, maxT)
175        return croppedTier
177    def dejitter(
178        self,
179        referenceTier: textgrid_tier.TextgridTier,
180        maxDifference: float = 0.001,
181    ) -> textgrid_tier.TextgridTier:
182        """
183        Set timestamps in this tier to be the same as values in the reference tier
185        Timestamps will only be moved if they are less than maxDifference away from the
186        reference time.
188        This can be used to correct minor alignment errors between tiers, as made when
189        annotating files manually, etc.
191        Args:
192            referenceTier: the IntervalTier or PointTier to use as a reference
193            maxDifference: the maximum amount to allow timestamps to be moved by
195        Returns:
196            the modified version of the current tier
197        """
198        referenceTimestamps = referenceTier.timestamps
200        newEntries = []
201        for start, stop, label in self.entries:
202            startCompare = min(referenceTimestamps, key=lambda x: abs(x - start))
203            stopCompare = min(referenceTimestamps, key=lambda x: abs(x - stop))
205            if my_math.lessThanOrEqual(abs(start - startCompare), maxDifference):
206                start = startCompare
207            if my_math.lessThanOrEqual(abs(stop - stopCompare), maxDifference):
208                stop = stopCompare
209            newEntries.append((start, stop, label))
211        return
213    def deleteEntry(self, entry: Interval) -> None:
214        """Removes an entry from the entries"""
215        self._entries.pop(self._entries.index(entry))
217    def difference(self, tier: "IntervalTier") -> "IntervalTier":
218        """Takes the set difference of this tier and the given one
220        Any overlapping portions of entries with entries in this textgrid
221        will be removed from the returned tier.
223        Args:
224            tier: the tier to subtract from this one
226        Returns:
227            the modified version of the current tier
228        """
229        retTier =
231        for entry in tier.entries:
232            retTier = retTier.eraseRegion(
233                entry.start,
234                entry.end,
235                collisionMode=constants.EraseCollision.TRUNCATE,
236                doShrink=False,
237            )
239        return retTier
241    def editTimestamps(
242        self,
243        offset: float,
244        reportingMode: Literal["silence", "warning", "error"] = "warning",
245    ) -> "IntervalTier":
246        """Modifies all timestamps by a constant amount
248        Args:
249            offset: the amount to shift all intervals
250            reportingMode: Determines the behavior if an entries moves outside
251                of minTimestamp or maxTimestamp after being edited
253        Returns:
254            the modified version of the current tier
255        """
256        utils.validateOption(
257            "reportingMode", reportingMode, constants.ErrorReportingMode
258        )
259        errorReporter = utils.getErrorReporter(reportingMode)
261        newEntryList = []
262        for interval in self.entries:
263            newStart = offset + interval.start
264            newEnd = offset + interval.end
266            utils.checkIsUndershoot(newStart, self.minTimestamp, errorReporter)
267            utils.checkIsOvershoot(newEnd, self.maxTimestamp, errorReporter)
269            if newEnd <= 0:
270                continue
271            if newStart < 0:
272                newStart = 0
274            newEntryList.append(Interval(newStart, newEnd, interval.label))
276        # Determine new min and max timestamps
277        newMin = min([interval.start for interval in newEntryList])
278        newMax = max([interval.end for interval in newEntryList])
280        if newMin > self.minTimestamp:
281            newMin = self.minTimestamp
283        if newMax < self.maxTimestamp:
284            newMax = self.maxTimestamp
286        return IntervalTier(, newEntryList, newMin, newMax)
288    def eraseRegion(
289        self,
290        start: float,
291        end: float,
292        collisionMode: Literal["truncate", "categorical", "error"] = "error",
293        doShrink: bool = True,
294    ) -> "IntervalTier":
295        """Makes a region in a tier blank (removes all contained entries)
297        Args:
298            start:
299            end:
300            collisionMode: Determines the behavior when the region to erase
301                overlaps with existing intervals.
302                - 'truncate' partially contained entries will have the portion
303                    removed that overlaps with the target entry
304                - 'categorical' all entries that overlap, even partially, with
305                    the target entry will be completely removed
306                - None or any other value throws IntervalCollision
307            doShrink: If True, moves leftward by (/end/ - /start/)
308                amount, each item that occurs after /end/
310        Returns:
311            The modified version of the current tier
313        Raises:
314            CollisionError
315        """
316        utils.validateOption("collisionMode", collisionMode, constants.EraseCollision)
318        matchList = self.crop(start, end, CropCollision.LAX, False).entries
319        newTier =
321        if len(matchList) == 0:
322            pass
323        else:
324            if collisionMode == constants.EraseCollision.ERROR:
325                raise errors.CollisionError(
326                    f"Erase region ({start}, {end})overlapped with an interval. "
327                    "If this was expected, consider setting the collisionMode"
328                )
330            # Remove all the matches from the entries
331            # Go in reverse order because we're destructively altering
332            # the order of the list (messes up index order)
333            for interval in matchList[::-1]:
334                newTier.deleteEntry(interval)
336            # If we're only truncating, reinsert entries on the left and
337            # right edges
338            # if categorical, it doesn't make it into the list at all
339            if collisionMode == constants.EraseCollision.TRUNCATE:
340                # Check left edge
341                if matchList[0].start < start:
342                    newEntry = Interval(matchList[0].start, start, matchList[0].label)
343                    newTier.insertEntry(newEntry)
345                # Check right edge
346                if matchList[-1].end > end:
347                    newEntry = Interval(end, matchList[-1].end, matchList[-1].label)
348                    newTier.insertEntry(newEntry)
350        if doShrink is True:
351            diff = end - start
352            newEntryList = []
353            for interval in newTier.entries:
354                if interval.end <= start:
355                    newEntryList.append(interval)
356                elif interval.start >= end:
357                    newEntryList.append(
358                        Interval(
359                            interval.start - diff, interval.end - diff, interval.label
360                        )
361                    )
363            # Special case: an interval that spanned the deleted
364            # section
365            for i in range(0, len(newEntryList) - 1):
366                rightEdge = newEntryList[i].end == start
367                leftEdge = newEntryList[i + 1].start == start
368                sameLabel = newEntryList[i].label == newEntryList[i + 1].label
369                if rightEdge and leftEdge and sameLabel:
370                    newInterval = Interval(
371                        newEntryList[i].start,
372                        newEntryList[i + 1].end,
373                        newEntryList[i].label,
374                    )
376                    newEntryList.pop(i + 1)
377                    newEntryList.pop(i)
378                    newEntryList.insert(i, newInterval)
380                    # Only one interval can span the deleted section,
381                    # so if we've found it, move on
382                    break
384            newMax = newTier.maxTimestamp - diff
385            newTier =, maxTimestamp=newMax)
387        return newTier
389    def getValuesInIntervals(self, dataTupleList: List) -> List[Tuple[Interval, List]]:
390        """Returns data from dataTupleList contained in labeled intervals
392        Each labeled interval will get its own list of data values.
394        dataTupleList should be of the form:
395        [(time1, value1a, value1b,...), (time2, value2a, value2b...), ...]
396        """
398        returnList = []
400        for interval in self.entries:
401            intervalDataList = utils.getValuesInInterval(
402                dataTupleList, interval.start, interval.end
403            )
404            returnList.append((interval, intervalDataList))
406        return returnList
408    def getNonEntries(self) -> List[Interval]:
409        """Returns the regions of the textgrid without labels
411        This can include unlabeled segments and regions marked as silent.
412        """
413        entries = self.entries
414        invertedEntryList = [
415            Interval(entries[i].end, entries[i + 1].start, "")
416            for i in range(len(entries) - 1)
417        ]
419        # Remove entries that have no duration (ie lie between two entries
420        # that share a border)
421        invertedEntryList = [
422            interval for interval in invertedEntryList if interval.start < interval.end
423        ]
425        if entries[0].start > 0:
426            invertedEntryList.insert(0, Interval(0, entries[0].start, ""))
428        if entries[-1].end < self.maxTimestamp:
429            invertedEntryList.append(Interval(entries[-1].end, self.maxTimestamp, ""))
431        invertedEntryList = [
432            interval if isinstance(interval, Interval) else Interval(*interval)
433            for interval in invertedEntryList
434        ]
436        return invertedEntryList
438    def insertEntry(
439        self,
440        entry: Interval,
441        collisionMode: Literal["replace", "merge", "error"] = "error",
442        collisionReportingMode: Literal["silence", "warning"] = "warning",
443    ) -> None:
444        """Inserts an interval into the tier
446        Args:
447            entry: the Interval to insert
448            collisionMode: determines the behavior in the event that intervals
449                exist in the insertion area.
450                - 'replace' will remove existing items
451                - 'merge' will fuse the inserting item with existing items
452                - None or any other value will throw a CollisionError
453            collisionReportingMode: Determines the behavior if the new entry
454                overlaps with an existing one
456        Returns:
457            the modified version of the current tier
458        """
459        utils.validateOption(
460            "collisionMode", collisionMode, constants.IntervalCollision
461        )
462        utils.validateOption(
463            "collisionReportingMode",
464            collisionReportingMode,
465            constants.ErrorReportingMode,
466        )
467        collisionReporter = utils.getErrorReporter(collisionReportingMode)
469        if not isinstance(entry, Interval):
470            interval = Interval(*entry)
471        else:
472            interval = entry
474        matchList = self.crop(
475            interval.start, interval.end, CropCollision.LAX, False
476        )._entries
478        if len(matchList) == 0:
479            self._entries.append(interval)
481        elif collisionMode == constants.IntervalCollision.REPLACE:
482            for matchEntry in matchList:
483                self.deleteEntry(matchEntry)
484            self._entries.append(interval)
486        elif collisionMode == constants.IntervalCollision.MERGE:
487            for matchEntry in matchList:
488                self.deleteEntry(matchEntry)
489            matchList.append(interval)
490            matchList.sort()  # By starting time
492            newInterval = Interval(
493                min([tmpInterval.start for tmpInterval in matchList]),
494                max([tmpInterval.end for tmpInterval in matchList]),
495                "-".join([tmpInterval.label for tmpInterval in matchList]),
496            )
497            self._entries.append(newInterval)
499        else:
500            raise errors.CollisionError(
501                "Attempted to insert interval "
502                f"({interval.start}, {interval.end}, '{interval.label}') into tier {} "
503                "of textgrid but overlapping entries "
504                f"{[tuple(interval) for interval in matchList]} "
505                "already exist"
506            )
508        self.sort()
510        if self._entries[0][0] < self.minTimestamp:
511            self.minTimestamp = self._entries[0][0]
513        if self._entries[-1][1] > self.maxTimestamp:
514            self.maxTimestamp = self._entries[-1][1]
516        if len(matchList) != 0:
517            collisionReporter(
518                errors.CollisionError,
519                f"Collision warning for ({interval}) with items "
520                f"({matchList}) of tier '{}'",
521            )
523    def insertSpace(
524        self,
525        start: float,
526        duration: float,
527        collisionMode: Literal["stretch", "split", "no_change", "error"],
528    ) -> "IntervalTier":
529        """Inserts a blank region into the tier
531        Args:
532            start:
533            duration:
534            collisionMode: Determines the behavior that occurs if
535                an interval stradles the starting point
536                - 'stretch' stretches the interval by /duration/ amount
537                - 'split' splits the interval into two--everything to the
538                    right of 'start' will be advanced by 'duration' seconds
539                - 'no change' leaves the interval as is with no change
540                - 'error' will stop execution and raise an error
542        Returns:
543            the modified version of the current tier
544        """
545        utils.validateOption(
546            "collisionMode", collisionMode, constants.WhitespaceCollision
547        )
549        newEntryList = []
550        for interval in self.entries:
551            # Entry exists before the insertion point
552            if interval.end <= start:
553                newEntryList.append(interval)
554            # Entry exists after the insertion point
555            elif interval.start >= start:
556                newEntryList.append(
557                    Interval(
558                        interval.start + duration,
559                        interval.end + duration,
560                        interval.label,
561                    )
562                )
563            # Entry straddles the insertion point
564            elif interval.start <= start and interval.end > start:
565                if collisionMode == constants.WhitespaceCollision.STRETCH:
566                    newEntryList.append(
567                        Interval(
568                            interval.start, interval.end + duration, interval.label
569                        )
570                    )
571                elif collisionMode == constants.WhitespaceCollision.SPLIT:
572                    # Left side of the split
573                    newEntryList.append(Interval(interval.start, start, interval.label))
574                    # Right side of the split
575                    newEntryList.append(
576                        (
577                            start + duration,
578                            start + duration + (interval.end - start),
579                            interval.label,
580                        )
581                    )
582                elif collisionMode == constants.WhitespaceCollision.NO_CHANGE:
583                    newEntryList.append(interval)
584                else:
585                    raise errors.ArgumentError(
586                        f"Collision occured during insertSpace() for interval '{interval}' "
587                        f"and given white space insertion interval ({start}, {start + duration})"
588                    )
590        newTier =
591            entries=newEntryList, maxTimestamp=self.maxTimestamp + duration
592        )
594        return newTier
596    def intersection(self, tier: "IntervalTier", demarcator="-") -> "IntervalTier":
597        """Takes the set intersection of this tier and the given one
599        - The output will contain one interval for each overlapping pair
600          e.g. [(1, 2, 'foo')] and [(1, 1.3, 'bang'), (1.7, 2, 'wizz')]
601                -> [(1, 1.3, 'foo-bang'), (1.7, 2, 'foo-wizz')]
602        - Only intervals that exist in both tiers will remain in the returned tier.
603          e.g. [(1, 2, 'foo'), (3, 4, 'bar')] and [(1, 2, 'bang'), (2, 3, 'wizz')]
604                -> [(1, 2, 'foo-bang')]
605        - If intervals partially overlap, only the overlapping portion will be returned.
606          e.g. [(1, 2, 'foo')] and [(0.5, 1.5, 'bang')]
607                -> [(1, 1.5, 'foo-bang')]
609        Compare with IntervalTier.mergeLabels
611        Args:
612            tier: the tier to intersect with
613            demarcator: the character to separate the labels of the overlapping intervals
615        Returns:
616            IntervalTier: the modified version of the current tier
617        """
618        retEntryList = []
619        for interval in tier.entries:
620            subTier = self.crop(
621                interval.start, interval.end, CropCollision.TRUNCATED, False
622            )
624            # Combine the labels in the two tiers
625            subEntryList = [
626                (
627                    subInterval.start,
628                    subInterval.end,
629                    f"{subInterval.label}{demarcator}{interval.label}",
630                )
631                for subInterval in subTier.entries
632            ]
634            retEntryList.extend(subEntryList)
636        newName = f"{}-{}"
638        retTier =, retEntryList)
640        return retTier
642    def mergeLabels(
643        self, tier: "IntervalTier", demarcator: str = ","
644    ) -> "IntervalTier":
645        """Merges labels of overlapping tiers into this tier
647        - All intervals in this tier will appear in the output; for the given tier, only intervals
648          that overlap with content in this tier will appear in the output
649          e.g. [(1, 2, 'foo'), (3, 4, 'bar')] and [(1, 2, 'bang'), (2, 3, 'wizz')]
650                -> [(1, 2, 'foo(bang)'), (3, 4, 'bar()')]
651        - If multiple entries exist in a subinterval, their labels will be concatenated
652          e.g. [(1, 2, 'hi')] and [(1, 1.5, 'h'), (1.5, 2, 'ai')] -> [(1, 2, 'hi(h,ai)')]
654        compare with IntervalTier.intersection
656        Args:
657            tier: the tier to intersect with
658            demarcator: the string to separate items that fall in the same subinterval
660        Returns:
661            IntervalTier: the modified version of the current tier
662        """
663        retEntryList = []
664        for interval in self.entries:
665            subTier = tier.crop(
666                interval.start, interval.end, CropCollision.TRUNCATED, False
667            )
668            if len(subTier._entries) == 0:
669                continue
671            subLabel = demarcator.join([entry.label for entry in subTier.entries])
672            label = f"{interval.label}({subLabel})"
674            start = min(interval.start, subTier._entries[0].start)
675            end = max(interval.end, subTier._entries[-1].end)
677            intersectedInterval = (
678                start,
679                end,
680                label,
681            )
683            retEntryList.append(intersectedInterval)
685        newName = f"{}-{}"
687        retTier =, retEntryList)
689        return retTier
691    def morph(
692        self,
693        targetTier: "IntervalTier",
694        filterFunc: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]] = None,
695    ) -> "IntervalTier":
696        """Morphs the duration of segments in this tier to those in another
698        This preserves the labels and the duration of silence in
699        this tier while changing the duration of labeled segments.
701        Args:
702            targetTier:
703            filterFunc: if specified, filters entries. The
704                functor takes one argument, an Interval. It returns true
705                if the Interval should be modified and false if not.
707        Returns:
708            The modified version of the current tier
709        """
710        cumulativeAdjustAmount = 0
711        newEntryList = []
712        allIntervals = [self.entries, targetTier.entries]
713        for sourceInterval, targetInterval in utils.safeZip(allIntervals, True):
714            # sourceInterval.start - lastFromEnd -> was this interval and the
715            # last one adjacent?
716            newStart = sourceInterval.start + cumulativeAdjustAmount
718            currIntervalDuration = sourceInterval.end - sourceInterval.start
719            if filterFunc is None or filterFunc(sourceInterval.label):
720                newIntervalDuration = targetInterval.end - targetInterval.start
721                cumulativeAdjustAmount += newIntervalDuration - currIntervalDuration
722                newEnd = newStart + newIntervalDuration
723            else:
724                newEnd = newStart + currIntervalDuration
726            newEntryList.append(Interval(newStart, newEnd, sourceInterval.label))
728        newMin = self.minTimestamp
729        cumulativeDifference = newEntryList[-1].end - self.entries[-1].end
730        newMax = self.maxTimestamp + cumulativeDifference
732        return IntervalTier(, newEntryList, newMin, newMax)
734    def validate(
735        self, reportingMode: Literal["silence", "warning", "error"] = "warning"
736    ) -> bool:
737        """Validate this tier
739        Args:
740            reportingMode (str): Determines the behavior if validation fails.
742        Returns:
743            True if the tier is valid; False if not
744        """
745        utils.validateOption(
746            "reportingMode", reportingMode, constants.ErrorReportingMode
747        )
748        errorReporter = utils.getErrorReporter(reportingMode)
750        isValid = True
751        previousInterval = None
752        for interval in self.entries:
753            if interval.start >= interval.end:
754                isValid = False
755                errorReporter(
756                    errors.TextgridStateError,
757                    f"Invalid interval. End time occurs before or on the start time({interval}).",
758                )
760            if previousInterval and previousInterval.end > interval.start:
761                isValid = False
762                errorReporter(
763                    errors.TextgridStateError,
764                    f"Intervals are not sorted in time: "
765                    f"[({previousInterval}), ({interval})]",
766                )
768            if utils.checkIsUndershoot(
769                interval.start, self.minTimestamp, errorReporter
770            ):
771                isValid = False
773            if utils.checkIsOvershoot(interval.end, self.maxTimestamp, errorReporter):
774                isValid = False
776            previousInterval = interval
778        return isValid

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

IntervalTier( name: str, entries: List[praatio.utilities.constants.Interval], minT: Optional[float] = None, maxT: Optional[float] = None)
62    def __init__(
63        self,
64        name: str,
65        entries: List[Interval],
66        minT: Optional[float] = None,
67        maxT: Optional[float] = None,
68    ):
69        """An interval tier is for annotating events that have duration
71        The entries is of the form:
72        [(startTime1, endTime1, label1), (startTime2, endTime2, label2), ]
74        The data stored in the labels can be anything but will
75        be interpreted as text by praatio (the label could be descriptive
76        text e.g. ('erase this region') or numerical data e.g. (average pitch
77        values like '132'))
78        """
79        entries = _homogenizeEntries(entries)
80        calculatedMinT, calculatedMaxT = _calculateMinAndMaxTime(entries, minT, maxT)
82        super(IntervalTier, self).__init__(
83            name, entries, calculatedMinT, calculatedMaxT
84        )
85        self._validate()

An interval tier is for annotating events that have duration

The entries is of the form: [(startTime1, endTime1, label1), (startTime2, endTime2, label2), ]

The data stored in the labels can be anything but will be interpreted as text by praatio (the label could be descriptive text e.g. ('erase this region') or numerical data e.g. (average pitch values like '132'))

tierType = 'IntervalTier'
entryType = <class 'praatio.utilities.constants.Interval'>
timestamps: List[float]

All unique timestamps used in this tier

def crop( self, cropStart: float, cropEnd: float, mode: Literal['strict', 'lax', 'truncated'], rebaseToZero: bool) -> IntervalTier:
121    def crop(
122        self,
123        cropStart: float,
124        cropEnd: float,
125        mode: Literal["strict", "lax", "truncated"],
126        rebaseToZero: bool,
127    ) -> "IntervalTier":
128        """Creates a new tier with all entries that fit inside the new interval
130        Args:
131            cropStart:
132            cropEnd:
133            mode: determines cropping behavior
134                - 'strict', only intervals wholly contained by the crop
135                    interval will be kept
136                - 'lax', partially contained intervals will be kept
137                - 'truncated', partially contained intervals will be
138                    truncated to fit within the crop region.
139            rebaseToZero: if True, the cropped textgrid values
140                will be subtracted by the cropStart
142        Returns:
143            the modified version of the current tier
144        """
146        utils.validateOption("mode", mode, CropCollision)
148        if cropStart >= cropEnd:
149            raise errors.ArgumentError(
150                f"Crop error: start time ({cropStart}) must occur before end time ({cropEnd})"
151            )
153        newEntryList = utils.getIntervalsInInterval(
154            cropStart, cropEnd, self.entries, mode
155        )
157        if rebaseToZero is True:
158            newSmallestValue = newEntryList[0][0]
159            if newSmallestValue < cropStart:
160                timeDiff = newSmallestValue
161            else:
162                timeDiff = cropStart
163            newEntryList = [
164                Interval(start - timeDiff, end - timeDiff, label)
165                for start, end, label in newEntryList
166            ]
167            minT = 0.0
168            maxT = cropEnd - cropStart
169        else:
170            minT = cropStart
171            maxT = cropEnd
173        croppedTier = IntervalTier(, newEntryList, minT, maxT)
175        return croppedTier

Creates a new tier with all entries that fit inside the new interval

  • cropStart:
  • cropEnd:
  • mode: determines cropping behavior
    • 'strict', only intervals wholly contained by the crop interval will be kept
    • 'lax', partially contained intervals will be kept
    • 'truncated', partially contained intervals will be truncated to fit within the crop region.
  • rebaseToZero: if True, the cropped textgrid values will be subtracted by the cropStart

the modified version of the current tier

def dejitter( self, referenceTier: praatio.data_classes.textgrid_tier.TextgridTier, maxDifference: float = 0.001) -> praatio.data_classes.textgrid_tier.TextgridTier:
177    def dejitter(
178        self,
179        referenceTier: textgrid_tier.TextgridTier,
180        maxDifference: float = 0.001,
181    ) -> textgrid_tier.TextgridTier:
182        """
183        Set timestamps in this tier to be the same as values in the reference tier
185        Timestamps will only be moved if they are less than maxDifference away from the
186        reference time.
188        This can be used to correct minor alignment errors between tiers, as made when
189        annotating files manually, etc.
191        Args:
192            referenceTier: the IntervalTier or PointTier to use as a reference
193            maxDifference: the maximum amount to allow timestamps to be moved by
195        Returns:
196            the modified version of the current tier
197        """
198        referenceTimestamps = referenceTier.timestamps
200        newEntries = []
201        for start, stop, label in self.entries:
202            startCompare = min(referenceTimestamps, key=lambda x: abs(x - start))
203            stopCompare = min(referenceTimestamps, key=lambda x: abs(x - stop))
205            if my_math.lessThanOrEqual(abs(start - startCompare), maxDifference):
206                start = startCompare
207            if my_math.lessThanOrEqual(abs(stop - stopCompare), maxDifference):
208                stop = stopCompare
209            newEntries.append((start, stop, label))
211        return

Set timestamps in this tier to be the same as values in the reference tier

Timestamps will only be moved if they are less than maxDifference away from the reference time.

This can be used to correct minor alignment errors between tiers, as made when annotating files manually, etc.

  • referenceTier: the IntervalTier or PointTier to use as a reference
  • maxDifference: the maximum amount to allow timestamps to be moved by

the modified version of the current tier

def deleteEntry(self, entry: praatio.utilities.constants.Interval) -> None:
213    def deleteEntry(self, entry: Interval) -> None:
214        """Removes an entry from the entries"""
215        self._entries.pop(self._entries.index(entry))

Removes an entry from the entries

def difference( self, tier: IntervalTier) -> IntervalTier:
217    def difference(self, tier: "IntervalTier") -> "IntervalTier":
218        """Takes the set difference of this tier and the given one
220        Any overlapping portions of entries with entries in this textgrid
221        will be removed from the returned tier.
223        Args:
224            tier: the tier to subtract from this one
226        Returns:
227            the modified version of the current tier
228        """
229        retTier =
231        for entry in tier.entries:
232            retTier = retTier.eraseRegion(
233                entry.start,
234                entry.end,
235                collisionMode=constants.EraseCollision.TRUNCATE,
236                doShrink=False,
237            )
239        return retTier

Takes the set difference of this tier and the given one

Any overlapping portions of entries with entries in this textgrid will be removed from the returned tier.

  • tier: the tier to subtract from this one

the modified version of the current tier

def editTimestamps( self, offset: float, reportingMode: Literal['silence', 'warning', 'error'] = 'warning') -> IntervalTier:
241    def editTimestamps(
242        self,
243        offset: float,
244        reportingMode: Literal["silence", "warning", "error"] = "warning",
245    ) -> "IntervalTier":
246        """Modifies all timestamps by a constant amount
248        Args:
249            offset: the amount to shift all intervals
250            reportingMode: Determines the behavior if an entries moves outside
251                of minTimestamp or maxTimestamp after being edited
253        Returns:
254            the modified version of the current tier
255        """
256        utils.validateOption(
257            "reportingMode", reportingMode, constants.ErrorReportingMode
258        )
259        errorReporter = utils.getErrorReporter(reportingMode)
261        newEntryList = []
262        for interval in self.entries:
263            newStart = offset + interval.start
264            newEnd = offset + interval.end
266            utils.checkIsUndershoot(newStart, self.minTimestamp, errorReporter)
267            utils.checkIsOvershoot(newEnd, self.maxTimestamp, errorReporter)
269            if newEnd <= 0:
270                continue
271            if newStart < 0:
272                newStart = 0
274            newEntryList.append(Interval(newStart, newEnd, interval.label))
276        # Determine new min and max timestamps
277        newMin = min([interval.start for interval in newEntryList])
278        newMax = max([interval.end for interval in newEntryList])
280        if newMin > self.minTimestamp:
281            newMin = self.minTimestamp
283        if newMax < self.maxTimestamp:
284            newMax = self.maxTimestamp
286        return IntervalTier(, newEntryList, newMin, newMax)

Modifies all timestamps by a constant amount

  • offset: the amount to shift all intervals
  • reportingMode: Determines the behavior if an entries moves outside of minTimestamp or maxTimestamp after being edited

the modified version of the current tier

def eraseRegion( self, start: float, end: float, collisionMode: Literal['truncate', 'categorical', 'error'] = 'error', doShrink: bool = True) -> IntervalTier:
288    def eraseRegion(
289        self,
290        start: float,
291        end: float,
292        collisionMode: Literal["truncate", "categorical", "error"] = "error",
293        doShrink: bool = True,
294    ) -> "IntervalTier":
295        """Makes a region in a tier blank (removes all contained entries)
297        Args:
298            start:
299            end:
300            collisionMode: Determines the behavior when the region to erase
301                overlaps with existing intervals.
302                - 'truncate' partially contained entries will have the portion
303                    removed that overlaps with the target entry
304                - 'categorical' all entries that overlap, even partially, with
305                    the target entry will be completely removed
306                - None or any other value throws IntervalCollision
307            doShrink: If True, moves leftward by (/end/ - /start/)
308                amount, each item that occurs after /end/
310        Returns:
311            The modified version of the current tier
313        Raises:
314            CollisionError
315        """
316        utils.validateOption("collisionMode", collisionMode, constants.EraseCollision)
318        matchList = self.crop(start, end, CropCollision.LAX, False).entries
319        newTier =
321        if len(matchList) == 0:
322            pass
323        else:
324            if collisionMode == constants.EraseCollision.ERROR:
325                raise errors.CollisionError(
326                    f"Erase region ({start}, {end})overlapped with an interval. "
327                    "If this was expected, consider setting the collisionMode"
328                )
330            # Remove all the matches from the entries
331            # Go in reverse order because we're destructively altering
332            # the order of the list (messes up index order)
333            for interval in matchList[::-1]:
334                newTier.deleteEntry(interval)
336            # If we're only truncating, reinsert entries on the left and
337            # right edges
338            # if categorical, it doesn't make it into the list at all
339            if collisionMode == constants.EraseCollision.TRUNCATE:
340                # Check left edge
341                if matchList[0].start < start:
342                    newEntry = Interval(matchList[0].start, start, matchList[0].label)
343                    newTier.insertEntry(newEntry)
345                # Check right edge
346                if matchList[-1].end > end:
347                    newEntry = Interval(end, matchList[-1].end, matchList[-1].label)
348                    newTier.insertEntry(newEntry)
350        if doShrink is True:
351            diff = end - start
352            newEntryList = []
353            for interval in newTier.entries:
354                if interval.end <= start:
355                    newEntryList.append(interval)
356                elif interval.start >= end:
357                    newEntryList.append(
358                        Interval(
359                            interval.start - diff, interval.end - diff, interval.label
360                        )
361                    )
363            # Special case: an interval that spanned the deleted
364            # section
365            for i in range(0, len(newEntryList) - 1):
366                rightEdge = newEntryList[i].end == start
367                leftEdge = newEntryList[i + 1].start == start
368                sameLabel = newEntryList[i].label == newEntryList[i + 1].label
369                if rightEdge and leftEdge and sameLabel:
370                    newInterval = Interval(
371                        newEntryList[i].start,
372                        newEntryList[i + 1].end,
373                        newEntryList[i].label,
374                    )
376                    newEntryList.pop(i + 1)
377                    newEntryList.pop(i)
378                    newEntryList.insert(i, newInterval)
380                    # Only one interval can span the deleted section,
381                    # so if we've found it, move on
382                    break
384            newMax = newTier.maxTimestamp - diff
385            newTier =, maxTimestamp=newMax)
387        return newTier

Makes a region in a tier blank (removes all contained entries)

  • start:
  • end:
  • collisionMode: Determines the behavior when the region to erase overlaps with existing intervals.
    • 'truncate' partially contained entries will have the portion removed that overlaps with the target entry
    • 'categorical' all entries that overlap, even partially, with the target entry will be completely removed
    • None or any other value throws IntervalCollision
  • doShrink: If True, moves leftward by (/end/ - /start/) amount, each item that occurs after /end/

The modified version of the current tier

  • CollisionError
def getValuesInIntervals( self, dataTupleList: List) -> List[Tuple[praatio.utilities.constants.Interval, List]]:
389    def getValuesInIntervals(self, dataTupleList: List) -> List[Tuple[Interval, List]]:
390        """Returns data from dataTupleList contained in labeled intervals
392        Each labeled interval will get its own list of data values.
394        dataTupleList should be of the form:
395        [(time1, value1a, value1b,...), (time2, value2a, value2b...), ...]
396        """
398        returnList = []
400        for interval in self.entries:
401            intervalDataList = utils.getValuesInInterval(
402                dataTupleList, interval.start, interval.end
403            )
404            returnList.append((interval, intervalDataList))
406        return returnList

Returns data from dataTupleList contained in labeled intervals

Each labeled interval will get its own list of data values.

dataTupleList should be of the form: [(time1, value1a, value1b,...), (time2, value2a, value2b...), ...]

def getNonEntries(self) -> List[praatio.utilities.constants.Interval]:
408    def getNonEntries(self) -> List[Interval]:
409        """Returns the regions of the textgrid without labels
411        This can include unlabeled segments and regions marked as silent.
412        """
413        entries = self.entries
414        invertedEntryList = [
415            Interval(entries[i].end, entries[i + 1].start, "")
416            for i in range(len(entries) - 1)
417        ]
419        # Remove entries that have no duration (ie lie between two entries
420        # that share a border)
421        invertedEntryList = [
422            interval for interval in invertedEntryList if interval.start < interval.end
423        ]
425        if entries[0].start > 0:
426            invertedEntryList.insert(0, Interval(0, entries[0].start, ""))
428        if entries[-1].end < self.maxTimestamp:
429            invertedEntryList.append(Interval(entries[-1].end, self.maxTimestamp, ""))
431        invertedEntryList = [
432            interval if isinstance(interval, Interval) else Interval(*interval)
433            for interval in invertedEntryList
434        ]
436        return invertedEntryList

Returns the regions of the textgrid without labels

This can include unlabeled segments and regions marked as silent.

def insertEntry( self, entry: praatio.utilities.constants.Interval, collisionMode: Literal['replace', 'merge', 'error'] = 'error', collisionReportingMode: Literal['silence', 'warning'] = 'warning') -> None:
438    def insertEntry(
439        self,
440        entry: Interval,
441        collisionMode: Literal["replace", "merge", "error"] = "error",
442        collisionReportingMode: Literal["silence", "warning"] = "warning",
443    ) -> None:
444        """Inserts an interval into the tier
446        Args:
447            entry: the Interval to insert
448            collisionMode: determines the behavior in the event that intervals
449                exist in the insertion area.
450                - 'replace' will remove existing items
451                - 'merge' will fuse the inserting item with existing items
452                - None or any other value will throw a CollisionError
453            collisionReportingMode: Determines the behavior if the new entry
454                overlaps with an existing one
456        Returns:
457            the modified version of the current tier
458        """
459        utils.validateOption(
460            "collisionMode", collisionMode, constants.IntervalCollision
461        )
462        utils.validateOption(
463            "collisionReportingMode",
464            collisionReportingMode,
465            constants.ErrorReportingMode,
466        )
467        collisionReporter = utils.getErrorReporter(collisionReportingMode)
469        if not isinstance(entry, Interval):
470            interval = Interval(*entry)
471        else:
472            interval = entry
474        matchList = self.crop(
475            interval.start, interval.end, CropCollision.LAX, False
476        )._entries
478        if len(matchList) == 0:
479            self._entries.append(interval)
481        elif collisionMode == constants.IntervalCollision.REPLACE:
482            for matchEntry in matchList:
483                self.deleteEntry(matchEntry)
484            self._entries.append(interval)
486        elif collisionMode == constants.IntervalCollision.MERGE:
487            for matchEntry in matchList:
488                self.deleteEntry(matchEntry)
489            matchList.append(interval)
490            matchList.sort()  # By starting time
492            newInterval = Interval(
493                min([tmpInterval.start for tmpInterval in matchList]),
494                max([tmpInterval.end for tmpInterval in matchList]),
495                "-".join([tmpInterval.label for tmpInterval in matchList]),
496            )
497            self._entries.append(newInterval)
499        else:
500            raise errors.CollisionError(
501                "Attempted to insert interval "
502                f"({interval.start}, {interval.end}, '{interval.label}') into tier {} "
503                "of textgrid but overlapping entries "
504                f"{[tuple(interval) for interval in matchList]} "
505                "already exist"
506            )
508        self.sort()
510        if self._entries[0][0] < self.minTimestamp:
511            self.minTimestamp = self._entries[0][0]
513        if self._entries[-1][1] > self.maxTimestamp:
514            self.maxTimestamp = self._entries[-1][1]
516        if len(matchList) != 0:
517            collisionReporter(
518                errors.CollisionError,
519                f"Collision warning for ({interval}) with items "
520                f"({matchList}) of tier '{}'",
521            )

Inserts an interval into the tier

  • entry: the Interval to insert
  • collisionMode: determines the behavior in the event that intervals exist in the insertion area.
    • 'replace' will remove existing items
    • 'merge' will fuse the inserting item with existing items
    • None or any other value will throw a CollisionError
  • collisionReportingMode: Determines the behavior if the new entry overlaps with an existing one

the modified version of the current tier

def insertSpace( self, start: float, duration: float, collisionMode: Literal['stretch', 'split', 'no_change', 'error']) -> IntervalTier:
523    def insertSpace(
524        self,
525        start: float,
526        duration: float,
527        collisionMode: Literal["stretch", "split", "no_change", "error"],
528    ) -> "IntervalTier":
529        """Inserts a blank region into the tier
531        Args:
532            start:
533            duration:
534            collisionMode: Determines the behavior that occurs if
535                an interval stradles the starting point
536                - 'stretch' stretches the interval by /duration/ amount
537                - 'split' splits the interval into two--everything to the
538                    right of 'start' will be advanced by 'duration' seconds
539                - 'no change' leaves the interval as is with no change
540                - 'error' will stop execution and raise an error
542        Returns:
543            the modified version of the current tier
544        """
545        utils.validateOption(
546            "collisionMode", collisionMode, constants.WhitespaceCollision
547        )
549        newEntryList = []
550        for interval in self.entries:
551            # Entry exists before the insertion point
552            if interval.end <= start:
553                newEntryList.append(interval)
554            # Entry exists after the insertion point
555            elif interval.start >= start:
556                newEntryList.append(
557                    Interval(
558                        interval.start + duration,
559                        interval.end + duration,
560                        interval.label,
561                    )
562                )
563            # Entry straddles the insertion point
564            elif interval.start <= start and interval.end > start:
565                if collisionMode == constants.WhitespaceCollision.STRETCH:
566                    newEntryList.append(
567                        Interval(
568                            interval.start, interval.end + duration, interval.label
569                        )
570                    )
571                elif collisionMode == constants.WhitespaceCollision.SPLIT:
572                    # Left side of the split
573                    newEntryList.append(Interval(interval.start, start, interval.label))
574                    # Right side of the split
575                    newEntryList.append(
576                        (
577                            start + duration,
578                            start + duration + (interval.end - start),
579                            interval.label,
580                        )
581                    )
582                elif collisionMode == constants.WhitespaceCollision.NO_CHANGE:
583                    newEntryList.append(interval)
584                else:
585                    raise errors.ArgumentError(
586                        f"Collision occured during insertSpace() for interval '{interval}' "
587                        f"and given white space insertion interval ({start}, {start + duration})"
588                    )
590        newTier =
591            entries=newEntryList, maxTimestamp=self.maxTimestamp + duration
592        )
594        return newTier

Inserts a blank region into the tier

  • start:
  • duration:
  • collisionMode: Determines the behavior that occurs if an interval stradles the starting point
    • 'stretch' stretches the interval by /duration/ amount
    • 'split' splits the interval into two--everything to the right of 'start' will be advanced by 'duration' seconds
    • 'no change' leaves the interval as is with no change
    • 'error' will stop execution and raise an error

the modified version of the current tier

def intersection( self, tier: IntervalTier, demarcator='-') -> IntervalTier:
596    def intersection(self, tier: "IntervalTier", demarcator="-") -> "IntervalTier":
597        """Takes the set intersection of this tier and the given one
599        - The output will contain one interval for each overlapping pair
600          e.g. [(1, 2, 'foo')] and [(1, 1.3, 'bang'), (1.7, 2, 'wizz')]
601                -> [(1, 1.3, 'foo-bang'), (1.7, 2, 'foo-wizz')]
602        - Only intervals that exist in both tiers will remain in the returned tier.
603          e.g. [(1, 2, 'foo'), (3, 4, 'bar')] and [(1, 2, 'bang'), (2, 3, 'wizz')]
604                -> [(1, 2, 'foo-bang')]
605        - If intervals partially overlap, only the overlapping portion will be returned.
606          e.g. [(1, 2, 'foo')] and [(0.5, 1.5, 'bang')]
607                -> [(1, 1.5, 'foo-bang')]
609        Compare with IntervalTier.mergeLabels
611        Args:
612            tier: the tier to intersect with
613            demarcator: the character to separate the labels of the overlapping intervals
615        Returns:
616            IntervalTier: the modified version of the current tier
617        """
618        retEntryList = []
619        for interval in tier.entries:
620            subTier = self.crop(
621                interval.start, interval.end, CropCollision.TRUNCATED, False
622            )
624            # Combine the labels in the two tiers
625            subEntryList = [
626                (
627                    subInterval.start,
628                    subInterval.end,
629                    f"{subInterval.label}{demarcator}{interval.label}",
630                )
631                for subInterval in subTier.entries
632            ]
634            retEntryList.extend(subEntryList)
636        newName = f"{}-{}"
638        retTier =, retEntryList)
640        return retTier

Takes the set intersection of this tier and the given one

  • The output will contain one interval for each overlapping pair e.g. [(1, 2, 'foo')] and [(1, 1.3, 'bang'), (1.7, 2, 'wizz')] -> [(1, 1.3, 'foo-bang'), (1.7, 2, 'foo-wizz')]
  • Only intervals that exist in both tiers will remain in the returned tier. e.g. [(1, 2, 'foo'), (3, 4, 'bar')] and [(1, 2, 'bang'), (2, 3, 'wizz')] -> [(1, 2, 'foo-bang')]
  • If intervals partially overlap, only the overlapping portion will be returned. e.g. [(1, 2, 'foo')] and [(0.5, 1.5, 'bang')] -> [(1, 1.5, 'foo-bang')]

Compare with IntervalTier.mergeLabels

  • tier: the tier to intersect with
  • demarcator: the character to separate the labels of the overlapping intervals

IntervalTier: the modified version of the current tier

def mergeLabels( self, tier: IntervalTier, demarcator: str = ',') -> IntervalTier:
642    def mergeLabels(
643        self, tier: "IntervalTier", demarcator: str = ","
644    ) -> "IntervalTier":
645        """Merges labels of overlapping tiers into this tier
647        - All intervals in this tier will appear in the output; for the given tier, only intervals
648          that overlap with content in this tier will appear in the output
649          e.g. [(1, 2, 'foo'), (3, 4, 'bar')] and [(1, 2, 'bang'), (2, 3, 'wizz')]
650                -> [(1, 2, 'foo(bang)'), (3, 4, 'bar()')]
651        - If multiple entries exist in a subinterval, their labels will be concatenated
652          e.g. [(1, 2, 'hi')] and [(1, 1.5, 'h'), (1.5, 2, 'ai')] -> [(1, 2, 'hi(h,ai)')]
654        compare with IntervalTier.intersection
656        Args:
657            tier: the tier to intersect with
658            demarcator: the string to separate items that fall in the same subinterval
660        Returns:
661            IntervalTier: the modified version of the current tier
662        """
663        retEntryList = []
664        for interval in self.entries:
665            subTier = tier.crop(
666                interval.start, interval.end, CropCollision.TRUNCATED, False
667            )
668            if len(subTier._entries) == 0:
669                continue
671            subLabel = demarcator.join([entry.label for entry in subTier.entries])
672            label = f"{interval.label}({subLabel})"
674            start = min(interval.start, subTier._entries[0].start)
675            end = max(interval.end, subTier._entries[-1].end)
677            intersectedInterval = (
678                start,
679                end,
680                label,
681            )
683            retEntryList.append(intersectedInterval)
685        newName = f"{}-{}"
687        retTier =, retEntryList)
689        return retTier

Merges labels of overlapping tiers into this tier

  • All intervals in this tier will appear in the output; for the given tier, only intervals that overlap with content in this tier will appear in the output e.g. [(1, 2, 'foo'), (3, 4, 'bar')] and [(1, 2, 'bang'), (2, 3, 'wizz')] -> [(1, 2, 'foo(bang)'), (3, 4, 'bar()')]
  • If multiple entries exist in a subinterval, their labels will be concatenated e.g. [(1, 2, 'hi')] and [(1, 1.5, 'h'), (1.5, 2, 'ai')] -> [(1, 2, 'hi(h,ai)')]

compare with IntervalTier.intersection

  • tier: the tier to intersect with
  • demarcator: the string to separate items that fall in the same subinterval

IntervalTier: the modified version of the current tier

def morph( self, targetTier: IntervalTier, filterFunc: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]] = None) -> IntervalTier:
691    def morph(
692        self,
693        targetTier: "IntervalTier",
694        filterFunc: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]] = None,
695    ) -> "IntervalTier":
696        """Morphs the duration of segments in this tier to those in another
698        This preserves the labels and the duration of silence in
699        this tier while changing the duration of labeled segments.
701        Args:
702            targetTier:
703            filterFunc: if specified, filters entries. The
704                functor takes one argument, an Interval. It returns true
705                if the Interval should be modified and false if not.
707        Returns:
708            The modified version of the current tier
709        """
710        cumulativeAdjustAmount = 0
711        newEntryList = []
712        allIntervals = [self.entries, targetTier.entries]
713        for sourceInterval, targetInterval in utils.safeZip(allIntervals, True):
714            # sourceInterval.start - lastFromEnd -> was this interval and the
715            # last one adjacent?
716            newStart = sourceInterval.start + cumulativeAdjustAmount
718            currIntervalDuration = sourceInterval.end - sourceInterval.start
719            if filterFunc is None or filterFunc(sourceInterval.label):
720                newIntervalDuration = targetInterval.end - targetInterval.start
721                cumulativeAdjustAmount += newIntervalDuration - currIntervalDuration
722                newEnd = newStart + newIntervalDuration
723            else:
724                newEnd = newStart + currIntervalDuration
726            newEntryList.append(Interval(newStart, newEnd, sourceInterval.label))
728        newMin = self.minTimestamp
729        cumulativeDifference = newEntryList[-1].end - self.entries[-1].end
730        newMax = self.maxTimestamp + cumulativeDifference
732        return IntervalTier(, newEntryList, newMin, newMax)

Morphs the duration of segments in this tier to those in another

This preserves the labels and the duration of silence in this tier while changing the duration of labeled segments.

  • targetTier:
  • filterFunc: if specified, filters entries. The functor takes one argument, an Interval. It returns true if the Interval should be modified and false if not.

The modified version of the current tier

def validate( self, reportingMode: Literal['silence', 'warning', 'error'] = 'warning') -> bool:
734    def validate(
735        self, reportingMode: Literal["silence", "warning", "error"] = "warning"
736    ) -> bool:
737        """Validate this tier
739        Args:
740            reportingMode (str): Determines the behavior if validation fails.
742        Returns:
743            True if the tier is valid; False if not
744        """
745        utils.validateOption(
746            "reportingMode", reportingMode, constants.ErrorReportingMode
747        )
748        errorReporter = utils.getErrorReporter(reportingMode)
750        isValid = True
751        previousInterval = None
752        for interval in self.entries:
753            if interval.start >= interval.end:
754                isValid = False
755                errorReporter(
756                    errors.TextgridStateError,
757                    f"Invalid interval. End time occurs before or on the start time({interval}).",
758                )
760            if previousInterval and previousInterval.end > interval.start:
761                isValid = False
762                errorReporter(
763                    errors.TextgridStateError,
764                    f"Intervals are not sorted in time: "
765                    f"[({previousInterval}), ({interval})]",
766                )
768            if utils.checkIsUndershoot(
769                interval.start, self.minTimestamp, errorReporter
770            ):
771                isValid = False
773            if utils.checkIsOvershoot(interval.end, self.maxTimestamp, errorReporter):
774                isValid = False
776            previousInterval = interval
778        return isValid

Validate this tier

  • reportingMode (str): Determines the behavior if validation fails.

True if the tier is valid; False if not